Susan Kalispell


Who I Am

If you’ve been charged with DWI /DUI or Drunk Driving in Houston, you need quality legal

representation. I represent clients on a flat fee.   Sometimes, a fresh voice helps when you need someone to fight for you. If you’ve been arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence call me for a free case review.

Legal representation throughout the process is vital to protecting your rights when charged with any crime. It is especially important inDWI/DUIs which include stiff and long-lasting penalties such as license suspension and mandatory alcohol counseling. Also, remember that no matter where you’re charged with a DWI the laws in Texas remain the same. The escalating penalties for multiple DWIs are the same in City Court as they are in Justice Court. And if you have accumulated four or more lifetime DUIs, you are probably facing felony charges with a minimum sentence of one year.

Hiring a DWI/DUI Defense Lawyer is an important decision that can have long lasting consequences. Even a first offense can include a $1,000 fine, up to six months in jail, and a six-month license suspension. That’s why hiring the best DUI lawyer available is important and worth the investment. In order to help, I offer a free case review for clients and am happy to arrange to do it over the phone to avoid unnecessary travel.


“DWI” is the legal definition of this crime in Texas, although “DUI” is commonly used interchangeably. A person 21 years of age or older can be charged with a DWI if he or she operates a vehicle while legally intoxicated (has a . 08 blood or breath alcohol concentration or is impaired by drugs).

Texas Law

The maximum jail time for a first-time DWI offense is 180 days, or 6 months. As a Class B misdemeanor, a first-time DWI offense also means you will have your driver’s license suspended for between 90 days and 1 year.

Jail Time

While jail time isn’t mandatory for a first DWI conviction in Texas, it can be a sentence in this kind of case. However, you could avoid jail time, get your penalties reduced, or even have your case dismissed with a good DWI defense lawyer.

“I was arrested for DUI while a passenger. We weren’t even pulled over for impaired driving. My driver was sober. We were pulled over because someone said I was urinating in the parking lot I did not, I talked about it, and the caller said I might have been impaired. 

When pulled over they were not interested the driver at all. Only me. I have been arrested before by local police and it never goes well. They had me wait there for an hour while they went and tried to find proof of me drinking and driving. Isn’t that illegal? Don’t you need proof BEFORE pulling me over? I definitely need help with a good DUI lawyer near me.

– Guido –

“I felt Susan was focused on my case, she kept me informed and expedited my case, she knows the law and protects your rights. I would if needed hire her again although I never plan to be in this situation again. I walked into court with Susan and they showed her a lot of respect, it made everything go smooth. If you want to stay out of jail, she is the one you need. And worth the money. If she says he will do something for you, she is a woman of his word.”

– Marti –


Susan is sole proprietor attorney in Houston, Tx. She is an ivy-league educatedMore…

Get in Touch

Reach out so we can work together to resolve your DUI matters.

Opening Hours

9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

We’d like to give a shout-out to the best car accident attorney in Dallas, Ward Maedgen.